5 Percent Nutrition

5% Nutrition Full As F*ck

700+ solgte

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There’s nothing more satisfying than getting an extreme pump. Your working muscles feeling like they’re about to explode, not to mention, looking absolutely huge. There’s no doubt that a great pump can transform your physique right before your eyes. A pump like this forces your muscles to look FULL AS F*CK.


Yet there’s more than just a visual benefit to getting a great pump. That’s because the increased blood flow carries critical oxygen and nutrients to your working muscles. This improves endurance so you can get your best work out, every time.


Of course, most bodybuilders want the most extreme pump they can get. They’ll search the market for the best pump-enhancing supplement they can find. If you’re looking for the ultimate pump, FULL AS F*CK is the pump pre-workout you want.

Tilskudd for maksimal pump og styrke fra den legendariske og avdøde Rich Pianas serie!

  • Gir maksimal pump
  • Øker ytelse
  • Frisk smak
Næringsinnhold Per dosering
Vitamin C250 mg
Niacin30 mg
Kalsium9 mg
Magnesium15 mg
Natrium17 mg
Kalium36 mg
L-citrulin6000 mg
Taurin2000 mg
Glycerol1000 mg
Dan-Shen Extract (rødrotsalvie)650 mg
Beet Root Powder (rødbetpulver)500 mg
L-Norvaline250 mg
Hesperidin (sitrusfruktekstrakt)100 mg
Black Pepper Extract (sort pepper-ekstrakt)5 mg

Kan inneholde spor av melk, egg, soya og hvete.

SKU: nhg-8ee3-699d-799d EAN: I/A SKU2: I/A

Dette produktet er for tiden utsolgt og utilgjengelig.